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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Practice Quizzes for Kaplan AP Psychology

Kaplan's AP Psychology Workbook

Theories of Personality

Psychological Assessment

Treatment of Abnormal Behavior:
  • read on Charles Spearman
  • Robert Sternberg's Triarchic Theory
  • The Flynn Effect
  • Sir Francis Galton
  • Lewis Terman
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) 
  • The Simon- Binet scale,
  • The Stanford-Binet test,
  • Mildly mentally retarded individuals generally fall within the IQ range of 50 and 70. Individuals with IQ scores in the range of 5-20, would be considered profoundly mentally retarded and would be in need of full-time care. IQs in the range of 20-35, are categorized as severely mentally retarded, and scores ranging from 35-50, are moderately mentally retarded. IQ scores from 75-90, (E), do not represent mental retardation, although they would be considered below the average IQ score, which is 100. 
  • Mental age divided by chronological age x 100 was the initial method used to determine an IQ score. For example, an eight-year-old child who scores as well as a typical 10-year-old would have an IQ score of 125. Currently, if you take an IQ test, your total score is compared with those of others your same age to determine where you fall in the normal distribution.
  • Phenylketonuria is a genetically inherited problem that if untreated causes mental retardation. 
  • Lewis Terman studied gifted individuals nicknamed "Terman's Termites" in a major longitudinal study, which is an in-depth research method that retests the original participants periodically over a long period of time, resulting in exceptionally detailed results across the lifespan. Terman's subjects were retested every five to ten years and data from his research has been used in many subsequent studies. Howard Gardner, (A), created the theory of multiple intelligences, which states that all individuals possess eight different types of intelligences to varying degrees. David Wechsler, (C), created intelligence tests that contain both verbal and performance scales to more accurately assess intelligence in individuals that have received less formal education. Charles Spearman, (D), proposed a two-factor theory of intelligence that included general intelligence (g factor) and specific abilities or s factors. Robert Sternberg, (E), is known for his triarchic theory of intelligence, which involves practical, analytical, and creative intelligences.
  • Damage to Wernicke's area would result in what has been called receptive aphasia. Damage to Broca's area would result in production difficulties, dyslexia is a reading disorder, aphagia is a swallowing disorder, and dyspraxia is another form of a production disorder.
  • Wolpe is associated with systematic desensitization, Rogers with client-centered therapy, Wundt with structuralism, and Chomsky with language acquisition. Only Freud is associated with psychoanalysis.
  • One of the hallmarks of schizophrenia is hearing voices. Other disorders do not have this characteristic. Dissociative disorders, (B), are similar to multiple personality disorders, anxiety disorders, (C), occur when one suffers from anxiety that does not have a specific cause, somatoform disorders, (D), occur when one suffers from an illness or disorder but there is no physical cause, and personality disorders, (E), do not result in hearing voices.
  • Larsen and Buss 

Practice Test 1

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