Code of Ethics and Sikolohiyang Pilipino
- Church, Katigbak and Castaneda on the "Conceptions of Good Psychological Health and Personality Functioning of Filipino College Students: A Multi-method Investigation
- Dr. Enriquez gave emphasis on developing independently multiple indigenous psychologies
My review for Filipino Psychology
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Your score: 50% (7 points out of 14)
Question #1 (1 point)
In the Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists, limits of confidentiality is discussed with the client when it is applied to which particular condition/s:
1) regulated laws, 2) institutional rules, 3) professional or scientific relationship, 4) a minor client the guardians/legal representative is informed
1) regulated laws, 2) institutional rules, 3) professional or scientific relationship, 4) a minor client the guardians/legal representative is informed
Your answer:
1 & 2
Question #2 (1 point)
In resolving ethical issues, the Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists allows for reporting ethical violations:
Your answer:
when there's a substantial harm it will be reported to authorities
Question #3 (1 point)
The Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists stipulates that in sharing research data for verification data should not be withold to competent professionals wanting to do verification and reanalyze research results and claims of the published research, provided which of the following should not be observed:
1. the researcher obtain prior written agreement for the use of data;
2. the researcher intends to use the data for other purposes not declared;
3. the researcher will be responsible for costs associated with the release of data;
4. confidentiality of participants can be protected.
1. the researcher obtain prior written agreement for the use of data;
2. the researcher intends to use the data for other purposes not declared;
3. the researcher will be responsible for costs associated with the release of data;
4. confidentiality of participants can be protected.
Your answer:
Question #4 (1 point)
The Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists provides for grounds to disclose confidential information without consent as mandated/permitted by law:
a) when payments for psychological services are needed to be obtained from a paying
client for services as agreed (see also section VI)
b) when the client, psychologist, or others are needed to be protected from harm
c) appropriate professional consultations are needed to be obtained
d) professional services are needed to be provided
a) when payments for psychological services are needed to be obtained from a paying
client for services as agreed (see also section VI)
b) when the client, psychologist, or others are needed to be protected from harm
c) appropriate professional consultations are needed to be obtained
d) professional services are needed to be provided
Your answer:
Question #5 (1 point)
Multiple Relationships are described in The Code of Ethics for Philippine Psychologists when:
a) it impairs objectivity and competence
b) promises to enter into a future relationship with that client/patient or a person closely associated with or related to that client/patient.
c) the psychologist is advised to enter into such an arrangement only when it is unavoidable
d) the psychologist is in a relationship with a person closely associated with or related to the person with whom the psychologist has the professional relationship
a) it impairs objectivity and competence
b) promises to enter into a future relationship with that client/patient or a person closely associated with or related to that client/patient.
c) the psychologist is advised to enter into such an arrangement only when it is unavoidable
d) the psychologist is in a relationship with a person closely associated with or related to the person with whom the psychologist has the professional relationship
Your answer:
a, b, & d
Question #6 (1 point)
It is a temporary and spontaneous but often recurring and unexplainable deviation from what is normal for an individual, object, or event. To the extent that the deviation is considered temporary and unexplainable, it is a state or behavior regarded as trivial and not necessitating any significant action. It is a culturally accepted venue of tension reduction to the Filipino propensity for delayed and indirect reactions to frustration and instigation to aggression. The concept referred to is:
Your answer:
Question #7 (1 point)
The Filipino psychologist who studied what she referred to as "culturally accepted venue of tension reduction to the Filipino propensity for delayed and indirect reactions to frustration and instigation to aggression" and also pioneered in the indigenous research approach of pagtatanung-tanong is?
Your answer:
Rita Mataragnon
Question #8 (1 point)
Except for one in the list below are disparaging descriptions of Filipino motivational characteristics:
Your answer:
Question #9 (1 point)
Identified as a key concept in understanding Filipino personality, Fr. Bulatao (RIP) describes it as a painful emotion arising from a relationship with an authority figure or with society, inhibiting self-assertion in a situation which is perceived as dangerous to one's ego.
Your answer:
Question #10 (1 point)
In a study by Church, Katigbak and Castaneda on the "Conceptions of Good Psychological Health and Personality Functioning of Filipino College Students: A Multi-method Investigation, from the list below which method was not used in their research:
Your answer:
Question #11 (1 point)
In the same study of Church, Katigbak and Castaneda on the "Conceptions of Good Psychological Health and Personality Functioning of Filipino College Students: A Multi-method Investigation, several interpersonally-oriented categories rated high among the respondents closely resemble to Lynch's "smooth interpersonal relations (SIR)" construct described as important Filipino value. Among the list below which one does not belong to the group:
Your answer:
tolerance of individual
Question #12 (1 point)
Dr. Enriquez coined two terms in referring on the distinction between indigenous psychology or native psychology that is not transplanted from other cultures and an indigenize or psychology adapted from other cultures. The terms are also referred as "culture-as-source" versus "culture-as-target". What are their equivalent terms according to Dr. Enriquez?
Your answer:
"indigenous psychology" versus "multicultural psychology"
Question #13 (1 point)
Dr. Enriquez gave emphasis on developing independently multiple indigenous psychologies prior to cross cultural comparisons so in lieu of an emic-etic approach he advocated instead what research approach?
Your answer:
cross indigenous approach
Question #14 (1 point)
According to researches there are four aspects that distinguishes the effort to indigenize psychology in the Philippines, it includes 1) institutional indigenization, 2) topical indigenization, 3) methodological indigenization and
Your answer:
cultural indigenization
Theories of Personality Quiz 1
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Your score: 85% (17 points out of 20)
Question #1 (1 point)
In his theory of psychosocial development, Erikson calls it as the final stage?
Your answer:
Integrity vs. Despair
Question #2 (1 point)
Personality development according to Erik Erikson's theory occurs during which period
Your answer:
childhood period
Question #3 (1 point)
In Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which principle does the id operates
Your answer:
pleasure principle
Question #4 (1 point)
Freud calls it the storehouse of our memories, thoughts, urges and feelings and it is not within the conscious awareness:
Your answer:
Question #5 (1 point)
He is famous for his theory on the hierarchy of needs
Your answer:
Abraham Maslow
Question #6 (1 point)
The concept of a 'fully-functioning person' is attributed to this psychologist.
Your answer:
Carl Rogers
Question #7 (1 point)
Humanist theory's main tenet in personality development
Your answer:
Question #8 (1 point)
One of the psychologists below belong to the tradition of humanist school of thought?
Your answer:
Carl Rogers
Question #9 (1 point)
Researchers can manipulate and control variables of interest in this personality research method
Your answer:
experimental method
Question #10 (1 point)
It is Abraham Maslow's basic need among the hierarchy of needs
Your answer:
food, water, and shelter
Question #11 (1 point)
Oedipal complex happens during which stage in psychosexual development
Your answer:
phallic stage
Question #12 (1 point)
This personality theory believes that behavior and learning occur through observation and imitation?
Your answer:
social learning theory
Question #13 (1 point)
This problem is a result of the fixation at the oral stage of development
Your answer:
problems with eating, drinking, or smoking
Question #14 (1 point)
It can be called the conscience that acts on moral principles, ideals, values of the family and society
Your answer:
Question #15 (1 point)
Personality according to Behaviorism is a result of
Your answer:
reinforcement and punishment
Question #16 (1 point)
Larsen and Buss categorized personality theory into six main domains that include: adjustment domain, social and cultural domains, cognitive-experiential domain, biological domain, dispositional domain and
Your answer:
values domain
Question #17 (1 point)
Dispositional domain concerns those aspects of personality that are stable over time, are relatively consistent over situations, and make people different form one another. The word disposition is also known for another term described as the the building blocks of personality, the word referred to is
Your answer:
Question #18 (1 point)
The psychologist who developed a model of personality based on traits that are known to be inherited. He proposed that there are three main traits such as psychotism, extraversion-introversion, and neuroticism.
Your answer:
Question #19 (1 point)
He developed the 16 primary factors or 16PF using a factor analytical method -
Your answer:
Question #20 (1 point)
These psychologists developed the NEO-PI-R for use of men and women ages 17 and above without overt psychopathology.
Your answer:
Allport and and Odbert

Industrial Psychology Quiz 1
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Your score: 30% (6 points out of 20)
Question #1 (1 point)
"Explaining and predicting Filipino Industrial workers' performance and satisfaction: The socio-psychological perspective" is a 1985 UP dissertation by
Your answer:
Dr. Leonora V. de Jesus
Question #2 (1 point)
It is one of the oldest organization established in 1920 that was dominated by European pyschologists during its formative decades. Today its thousand members span in more than 70 countries and its largest group is the Work and Organizational Psychology. The organization referred to is -
Your answer:
International Association of Applied and Industrial Psychology
Question #3 (1 point)
In 1988 she published "The Urban Filipino Worker in an Industrializing Society"
Your answer:
Dr. Leonora V. de Jesus
Question #4 (1 point)
In which year was American Association of Applied Psychology was formed within APA with a division called Industrial and Business Psychology. And in 1982 the division was established as the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology (SIOP).
Your answer:
Question #5 (1 point)
R.M. Hechanova observes that the lack of publication in IO psychology in the Philippines is attributed to several factors. Which among the choices below should not be included?
Your answer:
lack of good research topics and advisers for IO Psychology research
Question #6 (1 point)
Worker empowerment, participatory decision making and worker participation approaches such as quality circles, quality of work life among others are influence of which school of Psychology
Your answer:
Question #7 (1 point)
She was named one of the Outstanding Young Scientists by the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) in 1985. She was recognized for her researches in population, industrial psychology, social development and participatory strategies and her work on human development training. Considered in the IO Psychology community as one of the first recognition for an IO work. The scientist was
Your answer:
Dr. Carmela Ortigas
Question #8 (1 point)
As an offshoot of the Human Relations Movement, this subfield of Idustrial Psychology focuses on issues such as leadership, teams, organization culture, organization development -
Your answer:
Organizational Psychology
Question #9 (1 point)
Believed to be the year when Psychology as a field of study was first introduced in the Philippines
Your answer:
Question #10 (1 point)
It refers to the researchers of organizational development who study the behaviour of people in groups, in particular workplace groups. It originated in a study in the 1930s which examined the effects of social relations, motivation and employee satisfaction on factory productivity. It viewed workers in terms of their psychology and fit with companies, rather than as interchangeable parts.
Your answer:
Organizational Behavior
Question #11 (1 point)
Known and considered as the first Philippine I/O Psychologist. A Guggenheim Fellow, who graduated with a PhD in Comparative and Physiological Psychology from Standford University in 1955. The psychologist referred to is
Your answer:
Carmencita Abella
Question #12 (1 point)
An area in IO Psychology that is concerned with testing, selection, training, employee evaluation, and compensation or that of making the staff more effective is called:
Your answer:
Personnel Administration
Question #13 (1 point)
In which year was the the first ever Phd in Industrial Psychology was awarded?
Your answer:
Question #14 (1 point)
He served as president of the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1917. He was responsible for developing the Army's Alpha and Beta Intelligence Tests, the first nonverbal group tests that were given to over a million US soldiers during the war.
Your answer:
John Flanagan
Question #15 (1 point)
His work with his wife was aimed at making companies work processes more efficient by reducing the motions involved. Their work is considered attuned to and concerned with workers' welfare and not mainly to help companies and organizations to earn profit.
Your answer:
Hugo Munsterberg
Question #16 (1 point)
Considered as one of the founding fathers of Psychology in the Philippines who in 1960 taught I/O Psychology and introduced the science of group process in one of the Philippine's prestigious universities.
Your answer:
Jaime Bulatao
Question #17 (1 point)
He is considered as the father of scientific management and one of the first management consultants. His pioneering work provided impetus to I/O Psychology in improving job productivity and efficiency.
Your answer:
Henry Mintzberg
Question #18 (1 point)
It was through the effort of Fr. Eugene Moran, Carmencita Abella, Teresita Nitorreda, Jose de Jesus that in 1970's that they established this organization that pioneered in adult education and the use of methodologies such as sensitivity training, structured learning experiences (SLE) among others. The organization referred to is -
Your answer:
Philippine Institute of Applied Behavioral Science
Question #19 (1 point)
In 1962 Philippine Psychological Association was founded. It was in 1988 that the first standing committee in IO Psychology was created but only in 1998 that a formal division in IO psychology was established. Its founding head was -
Your answer:
Fr. Jaime Bualatao
Question #20 (1 point)
Dave Ulrich describes four key roles of HR practitioners of today as that of administrative expert, employee champion, change agent and strategic partner.
In a study by E.P Franco in 2005 claims that of HR practitioners in the Philippines are not doing much in their roles as
In a study by E.P Franco in 2005 claims that of HR practitioners in the Philippines are not doing much in their roles as
Abnormal Psychology
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Your score: 35% (7 points out of 20)
Question #1 (1 point)
According to Scheff some psychologist argue that cultural or societal norms are the the only criterion for labeling a behavior as abnormal, this perspective is known as:
Your answer:
cultural relativism criterion
Question #2 (1 point)
It is also referred to as the study of psychological disorder or abnormal psychology
Your answer:
Question #3 (1 point)
A criteria that defines abnormality characterized by a dysfunctional behavior that causes people both emotional and physical harm interfering to their optimal functioning and growth. The criteria applies to people who have lost touch with reality or said to deviate from accepted and defined norms.
Your answer:
maladaptiveness criterion
Question #4 (1 point)
It is an ancient form of brain surgery found among cave dwellers used for people who are acting bizarre and having hallucination and other forms of mental disorders. The practice is called -
Your answer:
Question #5 (1 point)
A form of complex neurosis characterized by emotional instability, repression, dissociation and suggestibility. The physiological symptoms are believed to be the result of psychological processes. This condition observed to occur only among women is described in papyrus of Egypt and Mesopotamia known as the"wandering uterus".
Your answer:
Question #6 (1 point)
Hippocrates believed that abnormal behavior was caused by:
Your answer:
displeasure from the gods
Question #7 (1 point)
Bedlam refers to chaos and madness. It is also one of the famous examples of a mental hospital that treated poorly its patients. The hospital is also called
Your answer:
Pennsylvania Hospital
Question #8 (1 point)
It is a mental disorder where people believed they are turning into wolves and acting out wolverine behaviors, such condition is called
Your answer:
Question #9 (1 point)
She is an American crusader for the moral treatment of mental patients in the United States and helped in the establishment of more than 30 mental institutions in the US, Canada and Scotland, her name is
Your answer:
Anne Parrish
Question #10 (1 point)
A Mind that Found Itself is the title of the book that contained the personal account of the author while being treated in a mental hospital. The book is important in changing the view of physicians and the public about mental institutions and patients. The book was written by
Your answer:
William Tuke
Question #11 (1 point)
He published the book The Pathology and Therapy of Psychic Disorders in 1845. The book explains that all mental disorders are caused by brain pathology. The author of the book is
Your answer:
Wilhelm Wundt
Question #12 (1 point)
His fundamental theories on the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders form the basis of the major diagnostic systems in use today. He is also credited with the classification of what was previously considered to be a unitary concept of psychosis, into two distinct forms (dichotomy): manic depression (now seen as comprising a range of mood disorders such as recurrent major depression and bipolar disorder), and dementia praecox. His name is
Your answer:
Josef Breuer
Question #13 (1 point)
This theory of psychopathology maintains that psychological symptoms and disorders are caused by faulty genes, disordered biochemistry, abnormalities in the brain and defective nervous system. The theory being referred to is called
Your answer:
biological theory of abnormality
Question #14 (1 point)
Now on its 5th Edition the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) serves as the manual for diagnosing psychological disorders in the the US and it is being adapted worldwide. The American Psychiatric Association published the first edition of DSM in which year?
Your answer:
Question #15 (1 point)
It is a somatoform disorder that involves many physical sign of pregnancy and a woman's belief of being pregnant but actually she is not. This condition is called
Your answer:
Question #16 (1 point)
Of the classic psychosomatic disorder such as asthma, migraine, headaches, peptic ulcer, anorexia nervosa, hypertension, which one among the choices below should be included in the list
Your answer:
Question #17 (1 point)
This disorder occurs more frequently in women than men. The individual suffers from pain but there is no observable physical basis for such complaints. The disorder impairs significantly the functioning of an individual. This somatoform disorder is called
Your answer:
somatoform pain disorder
Question #18 (1 point)
A form of deception where an individual exaggerate illness to avoid an unpleasant situation (ex. military duties) or faking illness for financial gain from medical insurance. It is not an illness or mental disorder but in some cases these individuals may show signs of having an antisocial personality disorder. This syndrome is called
Your answer:
dissociative disorder
Question #19 (1 point)
This therapy is directed at challenging, correcting, and changing an individual's maladaptive interpretations of events, thought patterns, perceptual biases and unrecognized assumptions. This therapy is called
Your answer:
cognitive therapy
Question #20 (1 point)
Phenothiazines and butyrophenone are drugs that help reduce the symptoms of -
Your answer:
Your answer:
employee champion

Psychological Assessment Quiz 1
Salamat sa pagsagot. Kung gustong tumulong para ma-improve at mapahusay ang reviewer na ito - o madagdag ng mga test items - mangyari lang na mag-email sa - bisitahin ang ating blog sa para sa dagdag na impormasyon at kaalaman. Please post your comments/ your score and what you can say about the quiz. I would appreciate feedback, salamat po...
Your score: 60% (12 points out of 20)
Question #1 (1 point)
Philippine law defines it as "the gathering and integration of psychology-related data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation, accomplished through a variety of tools, including individual tests, projective tests, clinical interview, and other psychological assessment tools, for the purpose of assessing diverse psychological functions including cognitive abilities, aptitudes, personality characteristics, attitudes, values, interests, emotions and motivations, among the others, in support of psychological counseling, psychotherapy and other psychological interventions."
Your answer:
psychological assessment
Question #2 (1 point)
The Philippine law that professionalizes the practice of Psychometrician and Psychologists is
Your answer:
RA 10029 or The Philippine Psychology Act of 2009
Question #3 (1 point)
It is the center or middle of a distribution or typical score of any probability distribution or set of values that is usually measured by three common measures such as the mean, median and mode. This measurement of data is called:
Your answer:
central tendency
Question #4 (1 point)
It was a collaborative work considered as the first test that measure intelligence that was used to help students to benefit with the school curriculum. The test is also known as:
Your answer:
Standford-Binet Scale
Question #5 (1 point)
What distribution is characterized by a higher and longer middle peak and both ends on its sides are longer and stout.
Your answer:
Question #6 (1 point)
A Filipino psychologist whose dissertation in 1926 is entitled Philippine Studies in Mental Measurements. His contentions were about the cultural bias and construct in the use of western psychological test in the Philippines. The Filipino psychologist referred to is:
Your answer:
Angelina Ramirez
Question #7 (1 point)
A discrete form of data or an assigned number used to represent groups or categories of information that serves as labels but are not given corresponding weight that is used for any calculations.
Your answer:
nominal scale
Question #8 (1 point)
A test that measures a person's previous learning, it is also known as the test of knowledge. The test referred to is:
Your answer:
achievement test
Question #9 (1 point)
It refers to the meaning and usefulness of the test to an extent that it measures what it aims to measure. This characteristic of a test referred to is called:
Your answer:
Question #10 (1 point)
It is a scale of measurement that is least to meet the requirements of most measures of psychological constructs where differences between values can be quantified in absolute terms. Equal differences between scores represent equal differences in the attribute being measured, and a zero score represents complete absence of the attribute or property being measured. This scale is called:
Your answer:
ordinal scales
Question #11 (1 point)
A test that measures the affective aspects of behavior that includes traits, temperaments, and dispositions or human character. This test is called:
Your answer:
personality test
Question #12 (1 point)
This test is typically used in a clinical or educational settings. Among the measures it determine includes: individuals potential to solve problems, adapt to changing situations, profit from experiences, do abstract thinking. The test referred to is:
Your answer:
aptitude test
Question #13 (1 point)
Personal Data Sheet (PDS) is a 116 questionnaire answerable by yes or no by military recruits to determine their mental state and susceptibility for mental disorder. Among the topics covered by this test include depression, anxiety, abnormal fears, nightmares and memory problems. The test also gave birth to personality inventory. Who is the American psychologist that developed PDS?
Your answer:
Robert Woodworth
Question #14 (1 point)
This test asks the individual to indicate preferences such as activities, ideas and circumstances. This test is useful in an educational setting to help an individual make a informed decision as their job or career decision. This test is also called:
Your answer:
interest inventories
Question #15 (1 point)
Which among the choices is not a characteristic of a good test. Choose one:
Your answer:
Question #16 (1 point)
In a study published by Ortega and Guanzon-Lapena in 1997, they identified locally developed measures or test that pertains to traits or personality of Filipinos, leadership and management style, gender relations, test on abilities and test focused on children. In their inventory they were able to identify:
Your answer:
more than 200 measures
Question #17 (1 point)
A measure of the height of peakedness of a distribution relative to the rest of the data indicating the degree to which a set of scores is concentrated around its mean.
Your answer:
Question #18 (1 point)
A scale or measurement in which the differences between values can be quantified in absolute terms. The scale's properties has magnitude and equal intervals between scale scores that correspond to equal differences in the attribute being measured but not absolute zero or absolute absence of the attribute being measured. The scale referred to is
Your answer:
ratio scale
Question #19 (1 point)
In a balanced and symmetrical distribution of scores on both sides that form a bell-shaped curve can also be called as:
Your answer:
bimodal distribution curve
Question #20 (1 point)
The height of a normal distribution is called
Your answer:
Sikolohiyang Pilipino
Quiz Password - sikap
1) Psychological Assessment
Quiz passcode - tagumpay
2) Industrial Psychology
Quiz passcode: pag-asa
3) Abnormal Psychology
Quiz passcode - mabuhay
4) Theories of Personality
Quiz passcode - kalayaan
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