Book Worm

Book Worm
So many books to read, so little time.

Books to read in 2018

Books to read in 2018
So many books to read, so little time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Back to school work...

I had my first meeting for my industrial psychology graduate class, yesterday.

I was so happy because the first few words that my professor said was that we were going to design the class like a preparatory class for the board examinations. Board exam review cool! Just what I need!! This is going to be awesome!! 

We were only two in the class. I asked my classmate what her purpose of enrolling in the class was and she said she needed it for the psychometric board exam, just like me! 

For a moment there I thought I was going to be in a regular MA class. I feel like I'll be ready to take the board exam soon. Uh.. Right? ... My professor said, we need to study a lot on assessment part. 


On another note, I finally got the approval and enrollment form for my Thesis Writing 1. 


2015 is a ... Scary yet exciting year for me. 

There is no turning back now. 

I have to work on my research paper. Like.... Quick!!!!! There I go again putting time pressure on myself, but atleast I work on it a few minutes a day and I'll be fine. 

I'm doing this alone now. Sad to say... The people who used to motivate me have gone on their separate lives. I have nobody to push me but myself. 

I can do this !!

Thesis - Board Exam ... Ahk!! -------- 😲😶😖

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