I'm trying to juggle my time where I can practice my Spanish and at the same time be able to read the books I want to read.
Wow, look at me... I sound like a book worm. Whereas I remember the days when I hated reading. But eventually I realized I hated reading because I haven't really discovered the things that you can learn from books.
Currently I'm reading Made To Stick and Learning First, Tecunology Second.
I actually remember that I started reading Good To Great and How To Make Fruends and Influence People, but I never got to absorb everything it said.
So now I'm deciding I'm going to juggle reading these 4 books.
I like reading books where I learn things... and most of them are actually related to things that I can apply on how I live my life. I guess that's why my degree is psychology. I like studying human behavior and I am constantly reflecting on my own behavior and trying to improve myself.
There are actually a lot of things I want to happen in my life right now but most of them are out of my control. So might as well focus on the things I can control and try not to waste too much of my time on things that are not really an investment (like playing Fall Out Shelter or Binge Watching TV series)
This post is a reminder to read
1) Made to Stick: Why some ideas survive and others die
2) Learning First, Technology Second: The Educator's Guide to Designing Authentic Lessons
3) Good To Great: Why some companies make the leap.. and others don't
4) How to make friends and Influence People
Focus focus focus gotta finish them all!
This is my digital notebook. I created this because I find it more convenient and easily accessible to put my thoughts in a blog post than on paper. My posts are vague, drafts and random tidbits I gather here and there. This is the medium I use to clear my thoughts and conceptualize. Much of what I say here might not make sense. Conversations that would help make sense of things, however, are very much welcome.
Book Worm

So many books to read, so little time.
Books to read in 2018

So many books to read, so little time.
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