Book Worm

Book Worm
So many books to read, so little time.

Books to read in 2018

Books to read in 2018
So many books to read, so little time.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Isle of the Lost and My Thesis

I was able to finish working on one of my independent variables for my thesis, specifically Parent's Educational Socialization.

I wrote it while listening to Disney Descendants Soundtrack, on REPEAT.

Specifically, Rotten to the Core and Be Our Guest.

Disney's new movie and new cast is nothing but another work of art. I even got me a copy of the novel "The Isle of the Lost" because I'm just that much of a fan of Disney.

Thank you for bringing me back to my childhood. And thanks to you, I've actually done something productive in terms of writing my thesis !! ❤️

International Congress on E-Learning 2015

Attend a conference on transforming education with technology and go home with a pen and a notebook. LOL!!! The irony... Had fun though...

Friday, September 11, 2015

International Congress on eLearning

Just a few days away! Can't believe I'm attending this, actually. Indeed it's something I just wanted to attend but didn't wanna pay registration. hihi .. now Imma get in foooo freeeeeeee

way to go me! :)

Monday, September 7, 2015

Thesis Revisions Now

I have to start working on my thesis revisions so I can proceed with gathering data. I am looking forward to interviewing and getting to know in-depth the life and achievements of our students. 

I shall break down the comments of my panelists.. gotta start somewhere... 

  • In the introduction, give a clearer context of the status of scholars. Use published data from your institution. 
  1. Institution's different scholarships offered 
  2. Institution's statistics on scholarships
  3. Institution's context on scholarships

  • Clarify how Bean's model supports the proposed study. 
  • Discuss the details of the model and how the proposed variables were taken from Bean's model and other studies. 
  • Justify why you chose the specific variables as culturally relevant and relate to student persistence among scholars.

To do: Discuss the details of the model 

  1. Done Reading - Bean's Model of Student Attrition
  2. Write a discussion about it    

  • Provide further discussion on each of the specific variables in the revised model given the participants in the study.
  • Cite anecdotal/context factors that will provide support for why these variables were selected and included in the proposed model. 
  • Provide supporting literature related to the controversies/gaps in literature.  
To do: Discuss the following variables related to academic achievement or student retention:
  1. Parent's educational socialization 
    • Read - The Socialization of Achievement in Poor and Minority students
    • Read - The Role of Parent Involvement in Children's Academic Achievement
    • Read - Cross-national differences in academic achievement Beyond etic conceptions of children's understandings
  2. Social Integration
  3. Family Support 
  4. Certainty of choice of program (commitment) 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Gone Google for Education Again!

Blend Conference: Bring Digital Education Forward

I really had good laughs with these people! 😍😍😍


Wednesday, September 2, 2015


This month is a busy month for me. I have a lot of events to attend to. 

Because of this, I was reminded to prepare my calling card. 

I created the layout of the calling card for my professional organization. A minimalist yet professional look. 

I love my role!

Changing how we teach and maximizing the power of #Assessment in the #21stCentury with #EducationalTechnology

Students #Clingy

I think I have only a few group photos with the students I used to handle this past academic year... I feel so attached! 

I've been wanting to have copies of the photos I have with them but I can't seem to locate it. I don't even know who's camera was used. I wish they send photos I'm in :(( 

Here is a group photo of us when I visited their recruitment booth. So many things have happened in my first half of the year and I think when I create a new "walk my world 2015" page, I actually don't know anymore what photos I'll be putting !!! 

This is such a lovely photo. I'm still trying to decipher if I stand out as a faculty or I remain to blend in as a student lol. If I was wearing jeans.. I'd probably blend in. Ha! 

But for now.. Hi guys, miss you all. I will still attend your events because I have no friends. LOL I mean, because organizations are so fun!!!!!! ❤️👍

So proud of you guys this year you have a bunch of activities and projects all lined up!!!!! And all the things we have talked about last year are not being put into reality. 

I'm so proud 😭.